
The Sustainability Project Inspiration Session

Venue: Grey Roots Museum

City or town: Owen Sound

Street address: 102599, Grey County Rd 18

Postal code: N4K 5N6

Start Date: Tuesday, August 27 @ 10:30

End Date: Tuesday, August 27 @ 12:00

Host name: The Sustainability Project

Host email:

Host Web site:

About This Event

The Sustainability Project is inviting all concerned citizens to our AGM, to get inspired, get up-to-speed on Grey County's Climate Action plan, cross-pollinate local ideas, and announce what's next for projects like Regenerate Grey Bruce, CareerWorks, Community Gardens Network.

Also, our board of directors wants to hear about any project you think would benefit your local watershed, tree canopy, shoreline, biodiversity/ecosystems, soil health, food security, climate action plan, transition to a green economy, climate justice issue, and/or biosequestration potential around us. Chances are, if it helps your neighbourhood be more resilient and connected, it can apply to the next neighbourhood down the county road.

Please meet at the Theatre at Grey Roots Museum, 102599 Grey Rd 18 at 1030am on Aug 27th 2024

Please RSVP at

Here's an event schedule:

Thanks, and all are welcome.

Leigh Grigg

Simona Friebergova

Beth Anne Currie

Jo-Anne Harbinson

Nicholas Schwass

Susi Schmidt

Bruce Davidson