Repair Cafe - Thornbury
Venue: Grace United Church - Thornbury
City or town: Thornbury
Street address: 140 Bruce St. S
Postal code: N0H 2P0
Start Date: Saturday, January 25 @ 09:00
End Date: Saturday, January 25 @ 12:00
Host name: Grace United Church Green Team
Host email:
Host Web site:
About This Event
Bring in those items needing repair and our crew of local volunteers will work to make them better than new - better, because now they work, have spared the landfill, and have a story.
We are open on the 4th Saturday of every month (except July, August and December) from 9 to noon. Community volunteers fix/mend items brought in for free while enjoying a free coffee or a nice cup of tea and cookies....extending the life of the items repaired while keeping the out of our landfill.
A monthly event, see video here for an slice of this fun event: