
Monarch Butterfly Festival

Venue: Bruce Peninsula Visitors Centre & Alvar Bay

City or town: Tobermory

Street address: 120 Chi sin tib dek Rd

Postal code: N0H 2R0

Start Date: Friday, August 23 @ 09:00

End Date: Saturday, August 24 @ 17:00

Host name: Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy

Host email:

Host Web site:

About This Event

August 23 & 24 - Monarch Butterfly Festival

Join Us for EBC's Annual Monarch Butterfly Festival at Alvar Bay and the Bruce Peninsula National Park's Visitor Centre on August 23rd and 24th!

Experience two days of nature hikes, monarch tagging and release events, monarch educational documentaries, and evening bat walks. Explore the stunning beauty of Alvar Bay, learn about the essential work of Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy, and receive free milkweed seeds to support Monarch conservation. Participating in monarch tagging and release activities is vital for monitoring their population and understanding their migratory patterns. By supporting these activities, you contribute to important research efforts and help protect these magnificent butterflies for future generations.

We need your help! We're calling for volunteers to assist at our festival. Volunteering with us is a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in nature, support conservation efforts, and make a meaningful impact. If you're interested, reach out to and send us an email with the subject line “Volunteer application - Monarch Butterfly Festival” We also have camping spots available at Alvar Bay Nature Preserve, free of charge for anyone who volunteers for the day!

Take advantage of this chance to learn about and celebrate the extraordinary lives of Monarch butterflies!

Event Details:

Dates: August 23rd and 24th

Time: 10am - 4pm (Visitor Centre), Nature Walks (times to be confirmed)

Location: Bruce Peninsula National Park's Visitor Centre and Alvar Bay Nature Preserve

More information to come! Keep an eye out here: