
Indigenous-led "Walk and Talk"

Venue: Kolapore

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Start Date: Sunday, September 8 @ 10:00

End Date: Sunday, September 8 @ 15:00

Host name: Escarpment Corridor Alliance

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About This Event

The day includes a morning interactive nature “walk and talk” led by Aki Guardians, plus an optional orientation & lunch (by donation) at noon at the Osprey Museum (Rob Roy), followed by community conversations about local story mapping. Bring your curiosity, creativity and collaborative ideas!

RSVP at for this great event.

Event Details:

WALK & TALK MEETS AT 10 a.m. – Kolapore Parking Lot at 495445 Grey 2
LUNCH AT NOON - 634632 Pretty River Rd., Rob Roy (Osprey Museum)
AFTER LUNCH - Community Conversations & Story Mapping (at Osprey Museum)