
All Too Clear - film screening

Venue: Galaxy Cinemas - Collingwood

City or town: Collingwood

Street address: 6 Mountain Rd

Postal code: L9Y 4S8

Start Date: Thursday, September 26 @ 19:00

End Date: Thursday, September 26 @ 21:30

Host name: Georgian Bay Forever

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About This Event

A screening of "All too clear" coming up in Collingwood, but hurry up and buy those tickets now before they're sold out too!

Thursday, September 26, 2024 at Galaxy Cinemas in Collingwood

Tickets available at

Georgian Bay Forever is proud to present the documentary film All Too Clear: Beneath the Surface of the Great Lakes.

The event will be hosted on September 26, 2024 at the Galaxy Cinemas. Doors will open at 6:30 pm for guests to meet their hosts, Georgian Bay Forever, and documentary producers, Inspired Planet. Guests will have a chance to purchase popcorn and beverages at the concession stand before the start of the 90-minute feature film. The film will be followed by a Q & A period where guests will have the opportunity to ask questions of the producers, Zach Melnick and Yvonne Drebert.

About the Film:

All Too Clear uses cutting-edge underwater drones to explore how quadrillions of tiny invasive mussels are re-engineering the ecosystem of North America’s Great Lakes at a scale not seen since the glaciers. The mussels are trapping nutrients, the building blocks of life, on the lake bottom. Without nutrients, organisms of all kinds – from the tiniest plankton to the largest fish – are vanishing, creating vast biological deserts. The scientific community is divided into those racing to find a way to control the invaders, and those who see an ironic silver-lining in the new world created by the mussels – a once-in-a-lifetime chance to restore an ancient and forgotten native ecosystem.

The mussels have also had an extraordinary side effect: they’ve made the lakes clearer than they’ve ever been before. We’ve harnessed this clarity to film never-before-seen visuals: from dazzling shallow water worlds that look more like the Caribbean than the Great Lakes, to previously undiscovered shipwrecks, completely entombed in mussels, 300 feet beneath the surface.

All Too Clear is an eye-popping exploration of our freshwater world that makes us all part of the high-stakes mission to breathe life back into the depths.

Please join us for this extraordinary event!