Act for Climate Cabaret
Venue: Harmony Centre
City or town: Owen Sound
Street address: 890 4th St E
Postal code:
Start Date: Monday, June 5 @ 19:00
End Date: Monday, June 5 @ 21:00
Host name: Sheatre & Georgian Bluffs CAT
Host email:
About This Event
"Act for Climate Cabaret” happens on Monday June 5th and GBCAT will be co-hosting this event.
7pm, free admission
Also, a few more volunteers are needed for the following tasks:
- *4 people to move chairs from the middle section of the Auditorium
- *2 more ushers (to join Ann and Roger)
- *a coordinator to help Joan with lining up performers, speakers
We hope for a good turnout and it will be a fun event. Children welcome.
Please contact Danuta to let her know how you can volunteer: danuta@michaelmcluhan.