
Repair Cafe Volunteer Appreciation - GBOS

Venue: Sarawak Family Park

City or town: Georgian Blufffs

Street address: 318455-318575 Grey Rd 1

Postal code: N0H 2T0

Start Date: Sunday, September 8 @ 13:00

End Date: Sunday, September 8 @ 15:00

Host name: Georgian Bluffs Climate Action Team

Host email:

About This Event

Repair Café Volunteer Appreciation Gathering

Sunday September 8th

1 – 3 pm

Refreshments provided

Door prizes and treats!

Fair weather: Sarawak Family Park, 318455-318575 Grey Rd 1

Rain location: Harmony Centre, 890 4th Ave E, Owen Sound ...We will make the weather call by 6:00 pm. On Saturday Sept 7th so please check your email.

RSVP by Sept. 3 to

Please bring your own mug, and a lawn chair if fair weather.

If you aren’t able to attend, please email us any thoughts on:

What do we need to change about the Repair Café?

What suggestions do you have for Repair Cafes going forward?

What would make your work as a volunteer easier?

Other feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

Generously sponsored by the Municipality of Georgian Bluffs