
Earth Day Grey Bruce 2025

Venue: 1st Ave West - Downtown Owen Sound (between 8th st and 9th s

City or town: Owen Sound

Street address: 1st Ave West

Postal code:

Start Date: Saturday, April 26 @ 23:00

End Date: Saturday, April 26 @ 15:30

Host name: Earth Day Grey Bruce

Host email:

Host Web site:

About This Event

Building Green Communities

Earth Day Festival is on Saturday, April 26, 2025, all along 1st Ave West in Owen Sound!

This year with more opportunities, new events and bigger ambitions, we are looking for even more help. Ways that you can get involved include:

  1. Volunteer to help host and organize (starting now). Contact us at:
  2. Volunteer to help on the day or during Earth week. Contact us at:
  3. Support the celebration with a financial contribution.
  4. Attend the celebration, and bring your friends and family.

OFFICIAL DETAILS TO COME, but here's a glimpse: